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This is Serena Wines 1881 identity because good wine, such as life, is made of special alchemies: passion and perseverance to make the most of our work, pride to create our own story through innovative projects and high quality products, and vocation to share our own vision of the future. The Serena family knows it very well: we have been real entrepreneurs and ambassadors of the enological 'Made in Italy' for more than 130 years.
The Serenas' roots can be found in Venice, in the 'Serenissima Repubblica'. There are traces of influential personalities belonging to this stock already in 1390, but it is only with Pietro Serena, in 1881, that he chose to focus on wine.
The fifth generation of the Serena family has took part to the business management with Luca in 2004, who is now the international export manager. He has the task of keeping the excellence of the 'Made in Italy' in the world. He's in charge to select the best types and the best quality of Italian products to export to the international market. The products have a contemporary and multicultural taste.